Someone said it already, but I thought it was such a good point to make. Bad players get stuck on these missions because they are harder for a typical aggro monkey/bad player. Up to this point the missions really don't take much teamwork.
The same thing happens once you reach THK. It is not that the mission is outrageously hard, it's that it is very hard if you want to just go off and attack any old target you please or run around picking up loot while a fight is going on.
It is such a nice feeling to get to the fire islands and start doing missions with people who (a higher % anyway) know how to work together. For the most part I have found all 3 of these missions less difficult than THK, and most of the PUGs I have gotten in for them are sooooooooo much more competent than an average group for elona's, thirsty, or THK.
Still, tho. A couple monks (spamming in all chat as "2 monks rdy to go") got in my group for Hell's last night, and when we got in the mission they ran off to open chests. I asked them what the deal was and one said they never said they would heal, they were only there for the chests. Grrrrrrr I wish we could post names (maybe in pig latin?).